Always admiring the human form. Body Sculptures exemplifies a personal yet universal experience relating to being human
Shaping pieces by hand or mould casting using porcelain clay, which is the perfect material to express the fragility of being human, as well as its hidden strengths
High-fired white porcelain with metallic and transparent glazes. Brushed with a gold lustre
Body Sculpture: 45x26x3cm
Wood Backing: 60x45x1cm
There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in I - L.Cohen
High-fired white porcelain with metallic and transparent glazes. Brushed with a gold lustre
Body Sculpture: 48x26x3cm
Wood Backing: 60x45x1cm
There is a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in II - L.Cohen
Black porcelain, and black stoneware with a transparent glaze, fired at 260°C several times. Brushed with a gold lustre
Body Sculpture: 46x27x3cm
Wood Backing: 60x45x1cm
Paper porcelain and porcelain slip, with a transparent glaze, fired at 1260°C several times. Brushed with a gold lustre
Body Sculpture: 46x27x3cm
Wood Backing: 60x45x1cm
Blue and Brown
Press-molded and hand-formed coloured and white paper porcelain, fired at 1245°C with transparent glaze. Brushed with a gold lustre
Body Sculpture: 47x27x3cm
Wood backing: 60x45x1cm
The Touch of The Timeless
Paper porcelain with a transparent glaze fired at 1250°C several times. Brushed with a gold lustre and red enamel
Body Sculpture: 46x27x3cm
Wood Backing: 60x45x1cm